Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Definition of You (and Me)

What is it that defines you?

Think about it.

What do the lines that draw the box of your life say about you?

We all have them.

These boxes.

Our 'safe' zones.

Imaginary lines that surround us in the comfort of our personal definitions.

Because that's what they are - personal, imaginary, comforting............limiting.

Are you defined by your pants size?

Your hair color?

Your acne scars?

Your waistline?

Your height, weight, shoe size, curvy, short, tall, skinny, big nose, small ears, round belly, ripped abs?

Or maybe you are self-defined by your college degree, or lack thereof.

Your salary?

Your job title?

Your office size, cubicle space, locker or desk drawers?

Your bank balance, unpaid bills, new car, old clunker, 1, 2, 3 or 4 bedroom house with a 2 car garage and a white picket fence or your cardboard home under the bridge?

How about your kids?

Your husband? Wife?

Do their accomplishments or failures define you?

Does their status or grades describe what makes you unique?

The truth is that none of these things, or any other labels we apply, define who we are.

We like to think they do and we've become very skilled at wrapping ourselves up in the pretty patterned paper or plain brown wrapper of perception.

The truth is that sometimes we cling to the comfort of our self-definition - even when it hurts - because it's easier and more familiar to us than the beauty and freedom offered by the definition of our Maker.

Our Creator.

The one who spoke us into existence.

God Almighty.

This is how He defines you (and me):

we are "...fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

we are " his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

we are "...God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved...." Colossians 3:12

don't miss this "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!..." 1 John 3:1

When I see how we are defined by God, when I read the love He has for us in the words He's spoken to us, I have to ask myself how much longer can I thumb my nose at Him and say:

"I don't believe you."

"You're wrong."

"I'm not good enough."

"I'm not smart, pretty, funny, thin.......worthy."

I really don't want to be defined by the perceptions of the world around me anymore, I want to be defined by who God says I am -

"fearfully and wonderfully made"

" His own image"

"dearly loved"

"child of God".

It's time to re-draw the lines of my box.

Time to break out of the limits and barriers I've placed around myself and allow the story that God has written about me to be the truth that defines me.

Psalm 45:11 says:

"Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord."

Define myself, or honor my Lord.

What will be your choice?

With a Courageous Heart,


1 comment:

  1. All of these good things are in my head, but getting them into my heart and KEEPING them there .... it's a challenge. It's a challenge that I should acknowledge every day and spend some time refuting the messages that surround me. Thank you for YOU!


I welcome and encourage comments provided they are respectful to all. A respectful exchange of ideas is a good thing so tell me what's on your heart too. I reserve the right to not publish any comment containing crude or offensive language or any that would disparage someone else.